Call for artists: UNFIX 2021

UNFIX festival are seeking artists of all art forms for a paid opportunity to contribute to their June 2021 programme.

UNFIX is an arts festival based in Scotland, with partners in New York City, Tokyo and Bologna. In previous years UNFIX has programmed work in dance, film, installation, workshop, debate, ritual and activist formats.]

UNFIX are particularly interested in work that can offer ways to explore how we are living our days: rituals and aesthetics of contemporary living. Ways to wake up and be present. What can the audience take away from the festival into their daily lives off-screen? 

The call is open to both Scottish and International Artists. As a festival based in a rich northern country, UNFIX would love to hear from artists in the ‘Global South’: climate change and ecological crisis are hitting other places in worse ways and with greater speed than Scotland.

There will be sister-programmes through UNFIX New York City, UNFIX Bologna and UNFIX Tokyo.

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