Creative individuals and organisations across Scotland are invited to join a free online event designed to support their application for The Open Fund, the main funding route that Creative Scotland offer for individuals and organisations working across the arts and creative industries in Scotland.
The fund has been designed to be responsive to projects and ideas that come from within the sector and that will – produce work and experiences of a high quality; provide clear benefits to the applicant and others; and that have strong management and financial plans.
The fund has been designed to take account of the COVID-19 crisis and provides support for more speculative, research driven projects as well as for the realisation of fully fledged ideas. Creative Scotland are interested in projects that enable individuals and organisations to develop and sustain their creative practice now and over the coming year.
The upcoming online events are intended to give people a quick introduction to the Open Fund and the criteria used in assessing applications.
Questions can be submitted in advance during sign up, or asked throughout the event.
The first session on Wednesday 8 July from 11:00 – 12 noon is focussed around Individuals – sign up here
The second session on Tuesday 14 July from 11:00 – 12 noon is focussed on Organisations – sign up here