Joint letter to the Scottish Government from Culture Sector Support Organisations on the Creative Scotland Funding Closures

Alongside other culture sector support bodies across Scotland, we’ve written a joint letter to the Scottish Government in response to the closure of Creative Scotland’s Open Fund for Individuals and the reduction of support for vital initiatives such as the Culture Collective and the Youth Music Initiative.

This letter, addressed to the Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture, Angus Robertson MSP, reflects our deep concerns over the impact these changes will have on Scotland’s cultural landscape. The closure of these essential funding streams threatens the stability and growth of our creative sector, particularly affecting the artists and freelancers who are central to our cultural community.

Joining us in this urgent appeal are culture development organisations including the Scottish Contemporary Art Network (SCAN), ArtLink Edinburgh and the Lothians, Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland, Traditional Music Forum, Craft Scotland, Scottish Book Trust, Publishing Scotland, Federation of Scottish Theatre and Culture and Business Scotland. 

Together, we have urged the government to:

  • Honour the funding commitments made to Creative Scotland for the 2024-25 budget year.
  • Collaborate with Creative Scotland to reinstate the Open Fund for Individuals and develop constructive solutions to the current crisis.
  • Fulfil their pledges to increase investment in the cultural sector.

As we continue our advocacy efforts, the SMIA remains committed to ensuring that Scotland’s music industry has a strong voice in government, working to secure the support our artists, freelancers and cultural organisations need to thrive.

To read the full letter and learn more about our joint call to action, click here.