Recover, Grow & Create new opportunities with creative tech post Covid-19 from Edinburgh Futures Institute


EVENT OVERVIEW: A series of events presented by Edinburgh Futures Institute, promoted by Federation of Scottish Theatre, Edinburgh Performing Arts Development and Scottish Music Industry Association, exploring technology’s role in the recovery, growth and creation of new opportunities within Scotland’s performing arts sector post Covid-19. Each event will introduce a new and potentially game-changing technology in development across the sector. This event will focus on the work of Cimeon Ellerton-Kay (Executive Director and Co-Founder), Natalie Hall (Co-Founder) and Lauren Rosegreen (R&D Assistant) of Social Convention.

Caroline Parkinson, Sector Engagement Manager – Creative Industries, at Edinburgh Futures Institute (EFI), will first provide an overview of the EFI data-driven innovation work in support of the creative and cultural industries

The performing arts are undergoing a rapid digitalisation, accelerated by the global pandemic. Big investments have been going into edge technologies (AR/VR), and film or live TV multi-camera approaches have dominated the cultural landscape amidst this digital shift. These resource-heavy and expensive trends are further concentrating the first wave of the digital shift into the hands of larger institutions. However, 90% of the creative industries are individuals and micro companies who do not have access to the same level of resource, likewise, diverse communities and third sector bodies working or participating in arts, creativity and culture.

So what about the space between?

How can we adopt a makerspace mindset, DIY frameworks, with existing consumer technologies to deliver cutting edge, live, hybrid (digital and physical) performing arts? And with better, fairer models than existing global platforms? Social Convention is a creative studio and social enterprise on a mission to reimagine the way people experience art and culture. Find out how to join our creative cohort for cutting-edge makers of live art at this event and discuss the future of the performing arts with us.